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Social Enterprises

Café de las Sonrisas

  • Café de las Sonrisas
  • Café de las Sonrisas
  • Café de las Sonrisas


What kind of business do you recommend? : Restaurant and shop
What do they use their funds for? : Social Projects, fair payment
Location : Granada, Nicaragua

The “Café de las Sonrisas” in the Center of Granada, Nicaragua offers delicious nicaraguan dishes. The special thing is, that everyone of the staff is deaf. But there are signs hanging on the wall, presenting the sign language, so you will be able to order in sign language. Furthermore they have a shop and produce hammocks and decoration. You can see how they produce their products and you can probably even try out yourself. Whenever you are interested to know more about the concept and the ideas, let them know a few days ahead and they will arrange a free tour including explanations for you.

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